Raven 500 is an aromatic-based, modified polyurethane. This 55 Shore D spray elastomer is recommend for use in a wide variety of above ground applications including clarifiers, digesters, pre-sprayed geo fabric, and many others. Raven Linings recommends the use of polyurethane and polyureas in above ground applications and epoxies in below ground applications.
Raven 500 displays fast cure speeds, quick return to service, and can be used on concrete, steel or wood. In addition, Raven 500 offers an 8 hour overcoat window for use in the field. The chemical resistance to most chemicals is excellent (check chemical resistance chart for specifics).
Raven 500 offers five to seven second gel time and is tack free in ten to twelve seconds. Raven 500 can be applied in temperatures ranging from -20°F to 200°F. This product can also be applied in > 90% relative humidity conditions with minimal to no bubbling.